Proteínas vegetales ideales para desarrollar músculos: Un nutricionista de la Universidad de Brasilia revela el método óptimo para aumentar la masa muscular consumiendo proteínas vegetales


Which vegetable proteins are ideal for building muscle? A nutritionist from the University of Brasília elucidates the optimal method for acquiring muscle mass via the consumption of vegetable proteins.

Protein plays a crucial role in building and repairing muscles, making it an essential component of any diet geared towards muscle gain. While the majority of protein intake comes from animal sources such as lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy, it is still possible to develop well-defined muscles as a vegetarian or vegan.

Research with elite athletes has shown that it is feasible to gain muscle growth while avoiding animal proteins in the diet. The key lies in knowing how to properly blend meals to ensure an adequate intake of all essential amino acids. According to nutritionist Bernardo Romão de Lima, a professor at the University of Brasília (UnB), a combination of a protein source like beans or oilseeds, and a carbohydrate supply like brown rice, potatoes, maize, or whole wheat can make for a perfect meal that promotes muscle growth.

While meat is an excellent source of protein as it provides all the essential amino acids needed for muscle growth, it takes more than one protein source to acquire the equivalent quantity of amino acids from vegetable proteins. Therefore, it is important for vegetarians and vegans to include a variety of protein-rich foods in their diet to ensure they are getting all the necessary amino acids.

Some common vegetable protein sources include whole grains such as quinoa, maize, rice, and pasta made from whole grains, as well as legumes like peanut butter, peas, beans, lentils, soybeans, and chickpeas. However, it is important for individuals to follow a balanced diet plan developed with the help of a nutritionist to avoid malnutrition or renal issues.

For vegan athletes who require a higher caloric intake to achieve desired hypertrophic effects, protein supplements in powder form can be a convenient option. These supplements containing plant-based proteins have become increasingly available in stores. Lima recommends these supplements for vegan athletes as they provide a concentrated amount of protein in small portions. However, it is important to exercise caution as consuming too much fiber can cause gastrointestinal distress.

The three most common vegan alternatives to whey protein are soy, pea, and rice proteins. According to Lima, the optimal dosage for muscle growth is comparable to that of whey protein, with 26-35 grams showing a favorable effect. It is essential for individuals to consult with a nutritionist to determine the appropriate dosage and to ensure they are meeting their specific dietary needs.

In conclusion, while animal sources of protein are often the go-to for muscle building, there are plenty of vegetable protein options available for vegetarians and vegans. By carefully planning meals and incorporating a variety of protein-rich foods, individuals can achieve muscle growth and maintain a balanced diet. Additionally, protein supplements in powder form can be a helpful tool for vegan athletes looking to increase their caloric intake and promote muscle growth. Consulting with a nutritionist is key to developing a personalized diet plan that meets individual dietary needs and promotes optimal muscle growth.