¡Este sábado no te pierdas el espectacular fenómeno de lluvia de meteoritos en Brasil!


This Saturday, the 21st of October, Brazil will have the extraordinary opportunity to witness a rare occurrence of meteor showers. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has announced that the ongoing shower of Orionid meteors, which began on September 26th, will reach its peak tonight. The Orionid meteor shower is an annual event that typically takes place in October and is widely renowned as one of the most captivating meteor showers of the year.

According to NASA, during the peak of this celestial event, there may be up to 23 meteors visible per hour. This mesmerizing display can only be fully appreciated when the night sky is completely free from the interference of artificial lights and the presence of a bright moon. The meteors themselves not only emit their own radiant light but also create a stunning trail of luminosity as they explode, further enhancing the visual spectacle. The meteor shower will be visible to observers in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, with the optimal viewing time occurring in the middle of the night in both regions.

In order to witness this awe-inspiring phenomenon, people in the Southern Hemisphere, which encompasses the majority of Brazil’s population, will need to position themselves lying down on the ground with their feet pointed towards the Northern Hemisphere. It is also crucial to be in a location free from any sources of artificial light. On the other hand, those situated in the Northern Hemisphere should orient themselves with their feet pointing in the direction of the Southeast. To maximize the chances of experiencing this celestial event, it is essential that the sky remains cloudless throughout the observation period.

Meteor showers have captivated humans for centuries, evoking a sense of wonder and fascination. They remind us of the vastness and grandeur of the universe. These cosmic events are composed of tiny particles, often remnants of comets or asteroids, which collide with the Earth’s atmosphere. As they burn up upon entry, they create the luminous streaks we commonly refer to as shooting stars. Meteor showers occur when the Earth passes through the debris trails left behind by comets as they orbit the Sun.

The Orionid meteor shower gets its name from the constellation Orion, as the meteors seem to radiate from this area of the sky. This particular meteor shower is associated with Halley’s Comet, one of the most famous comets known to mankind. Halley’s Comet is visible from Earth approximately every 76 years, with its last appearance occurring in 1986. As it travels through space, it leaves a trail of debris in its wake, which the Earth’s atmosphere encounters during its orbit around the Sun. When this debris intersects with our planet, it ignites into the stunning display known as the Orionid meteor shower.

Observing a meteor shower is not only a visually captivating experience but also a reminder of our place in the universe. It serves as a humble reminder that we are but a small part of a much larger cosmic tapestry. Moreover, such events bring people together, encouraging them to pause and appreciate the beauty and mystery of the universe, fostering a sense of unity and curiosity.

Given the rarity of this phenomenon, it is an opportunity that should not be missed. The Orionid meteor shower promises to be a breathtaking spectacle, providing a canvas of celestial fireworks that will leave any observer in awe. So, mark your calendars and set a reminder for Saturday, October 21st, to witness this extraordinary event in the sky. Remember to find a location away from light pollution, lie down on the ground with your feet facing the appropriate direction, and hope for clear skies. Be prepared to be amazed by the beauty and majesty of the universe unfolding above you.