El deshielo en el norte de Groenlandia amenaza con elevar el nivel del mar por encima de los dos metros


However, even though the melting of the ice sheets in northern Greenland had been previously underestimated, the recent study revealed that the situation is far more concerning than initially believed. It is now clear that the melting ice in this region has the potential to cause a significant rise in sea levels, posing a threat to coastal areas and communities worldwide.

To understand the extent of the ice loss, scientists employed various techniques, including satellite imagery and climate models. These tools allowed them to analyze the changes occurring in the northern Greenland ice sheets over the past five decades. The findings, published in the renowned scientific journal Nature Communications, revealed a shocking reality – the ice sheets have significantly diminished by over 35% since 1978.

The primary driver behind this unprecedented ice loss is the rising global temperatures. As the Earth’s climate continues to warm, the impacts on our planet become more evident. In the case of Greenland, the increasing temperatures have fueled the melting of its ice sheets, which were once considered stable.

Prior to this study, scientists believed that the glaciers in the northern region of Greenland were relatively unaffected compared to the rest of the country, where thinning ice sheets had been observed since the mid-1980s. However, the latest research indicates that even this seemingly stable area is experiencing significant ice loss.

The collapsing of the floating ice platforms is a visible manifestation of the ice loss in northern Greenland. These platforms, though appearing as individual fragments, are actually part of a much larger glacier. In recent years, three of these ice platforms in northern Greenland have collapsed, followed by five primary ones. The loss of material from these platforms, predominantly driven by ocean warming, has had a widespread impact.

Researchers monitoring one of the platforms, called Steenbsy, noted a staggering 34% decrease in its original area between 2000 and 2013. Such substantial reductions indicate the alarming rate at which ice is being lost, emphasizing the urgency of addressing the issue.

The consequences of the melting ice in northern Greenland extend beyond the immediate region. The most significant and worrisome impact lies in the potential rise in sea levels. Currently, the ice in this region has enough frozen water to increase sea levels by approximately two meters. This amount is substantial and would have devastating effects on coastal areas globally, leading to the displacement of communities and loss of habitable land.

If the current scenario persists and the ice continues to melt at an accelerating rate, the repercussions for Earth could be nothing short of dramatic. The rapid ice loss in northern Greenland serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for decisive action to combat climate change and reduce global warming.

While the situation may seem dire, it is not entirely hopeless. The findings of this study provide crucial information that can guide policymakers and governments in taking immediate action to mitigate the effects of climate change. Initiatives such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and implementing sustainable practices can contribute to preserving the remaining ice in Greenland and safeguarding our planet’s future.

Ultimately, the fate of northern Greenland’s ice sheets rests in our collective hands. It is our responsibility as individuals, communities, and nations to prioritize the preservation of our environment and protect vulnerable regions from further degradation. The consequences of inaction are too grave to ignore, and we must act decisively to secure a sustainable and habitable future for generations to come.