El cuarto hijo de Bill Gates heredará el 99 por ciento de su riqueza: Un billón de dólares es el legado filantrópico para la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates.


According to recent reports, it has been revealed that the “fourth son” of the billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates will inherit a whopping 99 percent of his vast wealth. This unexpected decision has sent shockwaves through the financial world, as the immediate heirs to Gates’ fortune will receive less than 1 percent of his assets.

Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, has long been hailed as one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet, with a net worth estimated at a staggering $124.5 billion. However, it seems that he has chosen to break away from the conventional path of inheritance and instead leave the majority of his wealth to someone he calls his “fourth son.”

While his three biological children, Jennifer, Rory, and Phoebe, will each receive a modest sum of $10 million, Gates’ “fourth son” will inherit the remaining 99 percent of his fortune. This decision raises several intriguing questions about the identity of this fortunate individual and the potential implications of such a vast inheritance.

In a recent interview with This Morning, Gates explained his reasoning behind this unconventional decision. He stated that having vast quantities of money does not necessarily benefit children and can often hinder their ability to forge their own path in life. Instead, he wants his children to receive a good education and a small amount of money that would allow them to start their own successful careers.

While Gates’ children may not receive a significant financial windfall, it is important to note that they will still have access to considerable resources. With $10 million each, they will have the opportunity to invest, start businesses, and pursue their passions. However, the bulk of Gates’ wealth will be entrusted to his “fourth son” and not to his biological offspring.

So, who exactly is this “fourth son” that Gates speaks of? According to reports, it is none other than the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a philanthropic organization that has played an instrumental role in tackling some of the world’s most pressing issues. The foundation, which Gates and his ex-wife Melinda French view as their “fourth child,” focuses on areas such as healthcare, education, poverty alleviation, and climate change.

In a previous interview, both Gates and Melinda spoke passionately about their foundation’s mission and the impact they hope to make. They believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to live a healthy and productive life, and through the foundation, they aim to foster innovation, improve infant mortality rates, enhance food security, address climate change, and prevent future pandemics.

It is evident that Gates’ decision to leave the majority of his wealth to the foundation is driven by a deep sense of philanthropy and a desire to create lasting impact. By entrusting his fortune to an organization that is committed to improving the lives of millions, Gates ensures that his wealth will continue to benefit society long after he is gone.

As for Gates’ biological children, Jennifer, Rory, and Phoebe, they are all accomplished individuals in their own right. Jennifer, the eldest, recently earned a master’s degree in public health from Columbia University and is happily married to Nayel Nassar, an Egyptian knight. Rory, the middle child, completed a master’s degree and a double major at the University of Chicago within just four years. He is described by his mother as intelligent, educated, and a proud feminist. Phoebe, the youngest, is an activist and attends Stanford University, where she continues to champion reproductive rights. She is currently in a relationship with Arthur Donald, an investor and the grandson of Sir Paul McCartney.

In conclusion, Bill Gates’ decision to leave the majority of his wealth to his “fourth son” reflects his unwavering commitment to philanthropy and creating positive change in the world. While his biological children will receive a smaller inheritance, they will still have access to significant resources to pursue their own dreams and aspirations. Ultimately, Gates’ choice is a testament to his belief that true wealth lies not in the accumulation of money but in the ability to make a difference in the lives of others.